In some countries today, the battle between many civic groups and social activists continue as they fight whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Some researchers already proved its medicinal purposes while others presented the weight of addiction and hallucination. However, no matter what they say, it still depends on your decision to use it or not. Before doing so, check on this infographic that provides history of Marijuana, its uses since the ancient times.
1. The Chinese is known for their alternative medicines. Earliest Chinese medicinal writings showed both positive and negative use of marijuana. First, it was used to feel happiness and excitement. It could be termed as ecstasy today. However, writings also proved that it helped people with rheumatism, gout, malaria and cough. Though there were adverse effects, the Chinese continued its usage because of its medicinal purposes.
2. In India, it was also used recreationally. During this time, the Muslims who based their teachings on the Koran, were prohibited to drink alcohol. Because of this, they used marijuana which was developed into hashish. This variety became popular not just in India but also in Iran and North Africa.
3. It wasn’t just the Asian continent that learned to use marijuana. Latin Countries had been using it for a long time making it a part of their culture. The Spaniards brought it to America in 1545 and was introduced as a major crop in 1611 at Jamestown. The plant also became a source of fiber for the Americans.
4. Another era emerged in the New World that included marijuana in the formulation of medicine. However, the usage was restricted only to the jazz world and other show business. The authorities had tolerated the use of this plant because the consumers did not make any disturbances in their community even if they used it. It was not considered a social threat. Hence, many marijuana clubs and bars were built.
5. From 1850 to 1942, it was prescribed to people suffering from labor pains and nausea. However, the US Federal Bureau of Narcotics conducted a campaign that aimed to show the addictive and hallucination properties of marijuana. The authorities claimed that marijuana was a gateway to drug addiction, but college students continued its usage. In the end, it became a symbol of rebellion against the government.
6. In the 1970s, another act was made to prevent people from using marijuana. It was considered to have the highest potential for addiction and its medical use was disproved. Many government authorities have tried to seize the use of this dangerous plant but this prohibition, ironically, led to more usage among the teenagers. Reagan and Bush zero tolerance laws, war on drugs and drug enforcement administration’s strategies turned people to plant marijuana in their own backyards.
7. The claims for the medicinal effectiveness of marijuana were due to its properties that provide happy hormones to the person using it. However, overdose could mean suffering from hallucinations and narcotic addictions that could result in psychological and mental problems. If you are into trying it out, read from top to bottom and research more on its advantages and disadvantages.
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