Nobody would say no to gold. Some would even kill for it. Gold coins, gold bars and gold statues that are hidden all over the world have been the subjects for treasure hunting. Would you give up your normal life for a treasure map? Even during 1320 BC in Egypt, treasure maps are used. The value of gold has been acknowledged even in the ancient era. Kings, Pharaohs, and Cesars always adorned themselves with gold. However, who discovered gold and where does it come from? Why is it so valuable? This infographic will answer some of the wonderings you have about gold.
1. Gold was not discovered by any scientist. It was discovered by a human being and it was introduced in the world. What made it famous? The natural beauty it possessed that could shine through its wearer. The discovery was instantaneous just like how you discovered something in your house and show it to everyone else. Then, the community began to use it. And it became part of their culture.
2. Where was gold discovered? As this was an element that could be found anywhere in the globe, there’s no specific place where you can say that gold was discovered. It could have been discovered in many places in the world. Those areas with plenty of it started mining it and use it in the trade.
3. Have you read the famous Iliad of Homer? Then you should be familiar with the Trojan War. Iliad was Turkey and archaeologists agreed that the story may have been true. This is because they were able to dig a hoard of Troy gold dating back to 2450 BC. However, it was used for religious and sacred gatherings and representations. Also, in this piece of art, gold was mentioned as the glory of the immortals while it is wealth for the human beings.
4. Mining and finding gold is not just today. Even before the 700 BC, humans were already exerting much effort to have it. Perhaps, the first country to use gold coins was ancient Greece. Even Aristotle and Plato provided theories about the origins of gold. It was first thought to be a combination of water and sunlight while the alchemists would believe that it’s part of the elixir of life.
5. Greeks learned how to mine gold. These are proven by mining sites from the Mediterranean up to Asia Minor and Egypt. After the death of Alexander of Macedon, they mined Gibraltar, also known as the Pillars of Hercules. Even nomadic cultures were mining gold. Today, some of these mining sites are owned by the government while others are privately owned but they are paying the state with a royalty tax.
6. Even today, the value of a currency depends on its gold deposits. The more gold you have, the higher the value is your money. However, the value of gold is fixed and as you increased the money in the circulation, it depletes the associated value that your money has. This made the world economy possible.
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