Personal injury claims can develop out of anything – from minor burns or scratches to traumatic brain injuries. Filing such a case allows you to get indemnified for injuries or accidents.
Imagine this – you were in an accident that caused injury and greatly impacted your life. This accident is due to someone else’s fault, so you decide to pursue a personal injury claim to protect your legal rights after the accident. Your case is very compelling, and the evidence really points against that someone. However, winning a personal injury case requires much more than these. Common mistakes such as below sometimes result to you losing your case.
1. Inconsistent treatment. Due to other priorities, such as work appointment or family matters, people still go on with their everyday lives even when they are still experiencing pain or trauma from the accident or injury. It is vital that consistent medical care must be given until the person is fully healed and recovered.
2. Inadequate documentation. Documenting everything that has happened since the accident – writing detailed journals, keeping doctor diagnoses, and taking pictures – is the best way to build a personal injury case. You can also include the impacts the injury or accident had with regards to your work or family. It is very important that the evidence supports your claim. As they say, what you know matters less than what you prove.
3. Questionable social media posts. While documenting your experience post-accident, careful considerations should be made if you decide to tell your story publicly through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Remember, some insurance companies can and will use your social media posts about your accident.
4. Loose lips. Think first before saying anything about your story. Plainly state facts and do not speculate about certain aspects in your accident. You will have plenty of opportunities to share and talk to people, including insurance adjusters, about your accident. As with posts in social media, anything you say can be used against you. If you are asked a difficult question, you can delay the conversation until another person, a lawyer, for instance, is present to help you answer the query. Keep in mind that you cannot retract what you have already spoken.
5. Downplaying injuries. Do not give an impression that you are not affected by what injuries you have sustained from the accident. Impressions of this kind may lead to the reduction or dismissal of your claim by the insurance company.
6. Doing it alone. Laws involving personal injury claims change very rapidly so it is very important to consult with an experienced attorney to help you with your case. An attorney can guide you with the initial phase of building your case, and if your case goes to court, having the help of an attorney by your side will solidify your case.
Tingey Injury Law Firm can help you with your personal injury case. We are based in Las Vegas since 1969 and our attorneys are very well equipped in helping you build your claim. We ensure that you will be fairly compensated while keeping you comfortable throughout the process.
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