Feb 1, 2023
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that serves as a form of payment and operates using blockchain technology. It has become an increasingly popular asset class because of its potential for significant growth and decentralization. While it is becoming more widely...
Jan 19, 2023
In California, spouses are eligible for spousal support regardless of their gender. Suppose one partner needs financial assistance, and the other can afford the payment. In that case, a judge will order alimony from the higher-earning spouse — provided both parties...
Jan 19, 2023
When parents divorce, ensuring the financial security of their children must take precedence. Therefore, child support payments are critical in providing the life essentials that every kid deserves – from healthcare and clothing to education costs and more!...
Jan 3, 2023
Your loved one may have died in a car accident caused by a drunk or texting motorist. A faulty vehicle part may have caused it. Your loved one may have perished from unsafe working circumstances, a thoughtless hospital or rest home employee who gave them the wrong...
Dec 26, 2022
Divorce becomes the end resolution when couples cannot reconcile their differences and decide to end their marriage. While many people see divorce as a legal matter, it can also involve psychological elements that can have a lasting impact. Mental health illnesses can...
Dec 22, 2022
Divorce can have significant impacts on various areas of life, including one’s financial well-being. While some may consider avoiding legal representation to save on costs, divorcing without an attorney can lead to multiple drawbacks and result in more expenses...
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