6 Divorced Parent’s Financial Strategies

6 Divorced Parent’s Financial Strategies

Divorce significantly impacts your finances, regardless of the final settlement or child custody. Mindfully preparing for the new financial reality will help manage parenting expenses effectively. First, consider your taxes; working with a tax professional for your...

6 Post-Divorce Parenting Tips

  Divorce triggers a range of changes, both positive and negative, affecting everyone, including children. Adapting to shifts in family dynamics can be challenging for kids. It’s essential to support them during this transition, helping them process...

8 Tips After A Bicycle Accident

Bicycling offers numerous benefits, including a small carbon footprint, a great workout in fresh air and sunshine, and being an economical mode of transportation without the need for gas, car insurance, or maintenance. However, there is a major drawback: cyclists have...
3 Child Custody Facts for Unmarried Parents

3 Child Custody Facts for Unmarried Parents

When the fabric of a family unit begins to unravel, the legal intricacies can become daunting, particularly when the parents are not married. This unique situation poses its own set of challenges, as traditional divorce proceedings do not apply. However, the issues of...
6 Tips on Dog Bite Injuries

6 Tips on Dog Bite Injuries

Dogs are sweet and loving creatures, but they can be unpredictable if injured, sick, overstimulated, or frightened. When facing an aggressive dog, it is important to stay calm and still, turn sideways to avoid a staring contest, move slowly to avoid startling the dog,...
6 Factors to Consider Before Divorce

6 Factors to Consider Before Divorce

Wanting to keep your family intact is an admirable goal. Often, counseling, coaching, or working with a mentor or religious leader can repair rifts in a relationship. Sometimes, divorce is the only option for restoring peace and allowing healing. Here are some...
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