Feb 1, 2024
Rideshare programs are an excellent option for people who want to travel to their destination without spending a lot of money on rental cars. However, what if you are a passenger in an accident? And what if you are driving another vehicle and are hit by a...
Jan 9, 2024
Navigating taxes after a divorce can be overwhelming, but taking proactive steps can help you understand and manage your new tax situation. First, determine your filing status based on your divorce’s finalization date, as this affects your tax options. If you...
Jan 9, 2024
A settlement is an agreement that is reached through negotiations. If you agree to a settlement, you will receive a certain amount of money from the defendant instead of going through a trial. Choosing to accept the settlement is a guaranteed outcome, whereas...
Dec 21, 2023
Traveling out of state with your child while living in Utah can raise questions about co-parenting and custody agreements. Generally, your ex cannot prevent you from traveling with your child as long as you adhere to the terms of your custody agreement. However,...
Nov 23, 2023
Navigating child custody as a parent who frequently travels for business requires careful consideration and proactive management. Courts generally favor joint custody arrangements to ensure children maintain relationships with both parents unless there are compelling...
Nov 7, 2023
When it comes to our children and divorce, there are things you should never say to make their transition as easy as possible. Children are resilient and can adapt to the changes that divorce brings, but they need to be able to rely on and trust their parents. Lying...
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