8 Ways to Help Babies Sleep

8 Ways to Help Babies Sleep

We all snooze like babies—hopefully without the wailing. Everyone experiences cycles of wakefulness and sleep, but babies, especially newborns, are still learning how to function in the world. It seems sensible that kids require some time and assistance to learn how...
Will Insurance Cover TMS Treatments?

Will Insurance Cover TMS Treatments?

With personal finances, paying for medical care with your cash on hand is frustrating, especially when you have health insurance. The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to cover mental medical management, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation. But...
Transitioning to Work After Recovery

Transitioning to Work After Recovery

Returning to the life you had before entering drug rehab is arguably one of the most difficult steps in recovery. This transition could entail returning home with your family, meeting up with old acquaintances, or beginning over at work. Staying Put or Making a Change...
Separation Anxiety Sleep Solutions

Separation Anxiety Sleep Solutions

Babies reach a significant developmental milestone around eight months old when they understand object permanence. Before the concept of object permanence, babies believe that objects just “vanish.” But after they gain object permanence, infants comprehend...
4 Benefits of Artificial Pancreas Device System

4 Benefits of Artificial Pancreas Device System

The pancreas plays a significant role in our lives. For those who have diabetes, the pancreas does not work like how it should. With the technological advancement we are experiencing today, is it possible to produce a new pancreas? Is getting a new pancreas possible?...
3 Tips for sleep training

3 Tips for sleep training

Caring for a newborn baby is tough. It includes waking up several times in the middle of the night, which causes sleep deprivation. Dealing with this can cause mental and physical problems for both staying at home and working parents. Experiencing sleep deprivation...
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