4 Counterfeit Electronics Identification Infographic

Counterfeit electronic parts are difficult to identify because they often closely resemble genuine components. The average person may not notice the differences, which is why a detailed inspection by professionals is essential. To ensure the parts match the manufacturer’s specifications, brands need a thorough inspection process in place. During an inspection, labels should be carefully examined for spelling errors or incorrect information, as any mismatch with the actual part can be a red flag. Codes, such as part and date codes, should be checked against the original components to ensure accuracy. Subtle differences in logos and fonts, such as lower-quality prints or slight design alterations, can also indicate counterfeit parts. Additionally, poor packaging quality or missing elements like moisture-absorbing packs may signal that the parts are not authentic. By performing these checks, businesses can reduce the risk of integrating counterfeit components into their products.

source: https://www.myemssolutions.com/ways-to-avoid-counterfeit-electronics-components/


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