7 Myths About Your VA Mental Health Claim Infographic

There have been over four times as many suicide fatalities among service members and veterans as deaths from armed conflict following the 9/11 catastrophe. The contributors range from physical, mental, moral, and sexual trauma to military training and culture, and the transition from military to civilian life.

Good thing there are VA Disability Benefits. However, obtaining access to these advantages is regrettably not always simple. In addition, because too many veterans believe unsupported myths, lies, and misconceptions, a lot of veterans suffer from underappreciated mental health difficulties and receive inadequate compensation for them.

Here are some myths about VA mental health claims:

1. You are an outsider

The rate of major depression and PTSD among U.S. military personnel is five times greater than that of civilians, according to a ground-breaking study on mental illness in the military. The survey revealed that 25% of service members on active duty had indicators of a mental health disorder. It’s not just you. You paid a high price for your decision to serve your country. Many of your other soldiers have also, even though they don’t mention it.

2. A mental health claim denied by the VA probably isn’t worth pursuing

VA undervalues veterans to the tune of 80% of those who are eligible for benefits. Since the veteran has not provided the VA with convincing, clear evidence of their mental health condition, many claims pertaining to mental health have been refused.

Don’t accept rejection as an answer if your health claim is denied. Instead, present a compelling argument and challenge the judgment.

3. Mental illness is not a problem for good soldiers

Don’t believe the myth that being strong precludes having emotions or weaknesses. A good soldier takes initiative. As a veteran, you owe it to yourself to receive the assistance that was pledged so that you can keep helping the people in your family, your friends, and your community.

4. PTSD always manifests at the time of the trauma

A soldier can go through a horrific situation and continue to function normally for months or years. They might be a bit more irritable and impatient than usual, but not enough to warrant reporting. The entire impact of their PTSD doesn’t manifest itself until after retirement, by which time the VA has already assigned them a rating that does not accurately reflect their mental illness.

If this applies to you, pay attention to the signs. These include but are not limited to, recurring nightmares, flashbacks, feelings of despair, overbearing negativity toward others and yourself, memory issues, feelings of detachment, a lack of interest in the things that used to make you happy, apathy, anger, guilt, and shame, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, or an ongoing sense of alertness.

5. The VA is out to get you

It’s not a personal grudge that most cases are dismissed; it’s just that there isn’t enough proof. Therefore, use your ingenuity to put together an impenetrable case that the VA won’t be able to refute rather than directing your rage onto them.

6. Having a mental health diagnosis will result in the loss of security clearance

Less than 1% of security clearances are rejected or revoked for psychiatric reasons, according to the U.S. Army. The Army also claims that aggressively pursuing a diagnosis and treatment is regarded as a good indicator, not a liability. Being aware of your mental health, getting better, and receiving the higher VA disability benefits to which you are legally entitled exceed the slight chance of losing your clearance by a significantly greater factor.

7. It should be sufficient for me to provide documentation of the traumatic event

Every person’s response to traumatic events is unique, and the VA can only determine your eligibility for compensation based on medical documentation. This implies that you must see your doctor, describe how severe your symptoms are, obtain a diagnosis from a board-certified psychologist, and get an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO) or a Nexus letter from a physician tying your illness to your time in the military.

Most veterans don’t receive the proper compensation because their disability isn’t given enough consideration. VA Claims Insider assist you in comprehending and managing the claims procedure so you can get the legally required rating and reimbursement.

source: https://vaclaimsinsider.com/7-lies-about-your-va-mental-health-claim/


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