The 5 Be’s for Great Sales Demos Infographic

Prospects are not interested in harbor tour demos. You only have a little window to influence a buyer’s purchasing choice. Develop strategies to assist the customer in selling for you because so much of the dialogue takes place when you aren’t present. Buyer enablement alters how sales teams operate and conduct their demos.

The best way to succeed is to be succinct, especially in the beginning, and to apply to how your solution will help them advance, how it will fit into their existing workflows and systems, and how you can help them raise their bottom line on their schedule. The best sales demos include five key characteristics.

Be Prompt

The time between introducing your product to the consumer and the buyer understanding the value it offers for their business is known as the “Time-to-Value” (TTV). The consumer experience is better the shorter the TTV. It’s perplexing why so many businesses still require a 3- to 5-day wait period between the customer’s initial click on “Book a Demo” and when they see the demo. That implies that the timer has already started before the customer even calls.

The customer has had plenty of time during that period to consider your rivals and, if they have a more efficient sales procedure, perhaps even request a sales demo from them. Your sales team needs to go into discovery mode as soon as someone clicks the “Book a Demo” button to put together a presentation that addresses their demands and aligns with the company’s culture and procedures.

Be Focused

Customers like demos on demand, but only when the information is genuinely helpful for solving their issues. They’ll choose a vendor that knows what THEY are going through if your demo is generic, or worse, irrelevant to their current circumstances. In as little time as possible, you must demonstrate how you will add value to them. Maintain a store of materials that can be used many times, even though this might necessitate some level of customization for each consumer.

Be Flexible

This is being ready for anything. A thousand different things can occur between the moment your client schedules, the sales demo, and the time you present. Learn how to deal with objections, including presales. Record the meeting in case important members of the buying group cannot attend. Your rep is already prepared with extensive product knowledge if they are asked about product capabilities outside the original meeting scope.

When you invest in buyer enablement technologies, automation starts to work for you. Users using interactive demo software can navigate through presentations and select only the material that is pertinent to them. This spares your clients from having to sift through data for each specialized query.

Be Engaging

Nobody wants to listen to salespeople who have to consult a dozen notecards to discuss their product. When you are already an authority on your product, devote more time in your sales presentation to establishing a rapport with the client or potential purchasers.

Practice with a teammate who can provide you with feedback on your tone, vocabulary, facial expressions, and body location. Keep your audience engaged with your presentation by using excitement, passion, and tasteful humor. Use memes, quotes, or brief video clips to make your slides entertaining and interesting.

Be True

While understanding the particular requirements and history of your client is important, it’s equally important to remember who you are: you are the face of your brand. People can recognize when you are acting dishonestly. Be enthusiastic about what your business performs and how it benefits the client. Customers shouldn’t feel as though you are trying to sell them something that they wouldn’t buy for themselves. When we don’t try to be all things to all people to make a sale, we keep things authentic for both ourselves and our customers.



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