8 Holiday Job Search Myths Infographic

Holiday job search myths have been around longer than we might think. It is repeated like a mantra and had stuck to many people which in turn affects their career searching. Job seekers are not the only ones facing a crisis with these holiday job search myths, recruiting firms, and staffing agency is affected too. Most job seekers believe that the holiday season is not a great time to hunt for a job when in fact it is the complete opposite. The assumed pause in the hiring process of companies during the holiday season is one of the biggest career myths. But alongside this, other similar myths need to be debunked.

1. Budgets are null. This is a misconception because many hiring managers most of the time discover that they still have some funds to spend before the next year starts. So in the last few months of the financial year, they could recruit people to keep their hiring budgets from being cut in the coming year. Another reason is recruiters want the open positions filled so that the new employees can start in the New Year.

2. Retail jobs are the only available jobs. During the holiday season, retail activity is at its peak thus most job seekers assume that it is the only job available. However, other industries like delivery companies are also ramping up recruitment during the holidays to cater to the massive e-commerce orders.

3. Interviews are unlikely. The first weeks of December are filled with a fast-paced activity which is why some job seeker thinks that interviews are unlikely since recruiters are trying to get everything done before taking a few weeks off. This doesn’t mean that you’ll just disregard preparing for an interview. Timely preparation will always bring a relaxed interview experience no matter the season.

4. Contract-to-hire are non-existent. Many organizations are in need of contract personnel to cover long absences and extended vacations of their employees. If the timing is right, it could lead to permanent employment so always keep a lookout on your target companies for opportunities.

5. The majority of the roles end on December 31. Since the seasonal sales peak during the Christmas period, it is assumed that seasonal workers get cut on December 31. But the reality is, many temporary jobs are being extended into the next years or event to a permanent role. This includes big chains with New Year and post-holiday sales.

6. Networking opportunities barely exists. Holidays are social seasons thus it is a good time to establish a connection. Join get-togethers and participate in social events. Differentiate yourself from the rest of the seasonal workers and personalize your relationship with potential recruiters.

7. Pitching at events is impossible. While it is partially true, you still have the option to convey a soft pitch and hand over business cards. The holiday season offers many conferences and events and you can use it to your advantage. Share about your job search, you never know when there’s a job position available and you could get mentioned thus make a good impression.

8. Finding a job in January is better. That is the general opinion of most job seekers and one of the reasons why there is a crush of applicants in the first month of the year. To get ahead of everyone else, submit your application now so the employer can get familiar with your face and your application won’t get buried in a pile. This also increases your chances of getting hired since some roles are time-sensitive and need to be filled before January.

source: https://perelson.com/holiday-job-search-myths/


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