8 Water Softener Myths Infographic

There are still misconceptions about water softeners that cause some homeowners to hesitate when considering their use. One common myth is that water softeners make water salty. In reality, the salt in the system is used to clean the resin beads that remove hard minerals from the water, so it doesn’t make the water salty. Another misunderstanding is that water softeners purify water, but their actual role is to remove hard minerals, not to provide complete water purification.

Some people believe softened water leaves a film on the skin, but this sensation is due to the absence of hard minerals, not a residue. Another myth suggests that water softeners remove essential minerals, but the calcium and magnesium in hard water aren’t absorbed in the same beneficial way as they are from food. Additionally, many assume that water softeners are only necessary for well water, though they offer benefits regardless of the water source.

There’s also concern about using a water softener with a septic tank, but research shows it’s not harmful and can even support bacterial health. Finally, misconceptions about cost and acidity persist, although water softeners are more affordable than believed and don’t significantly alter water’s pH levels.

source: https://www.alamowatersofteners.com/busting-8-common-water-softener-misconceptions/


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