8 Electronic Launch Tips Infographic

Launching an electronic product demands a keen eye for cost optimization, especially concerning components like printed circuit boards (PCBs). Here are strategies to integrate cost-saving measures into your design and production processes for a cost-efficient and high-quality product launch. Opt for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) over Through-Hole Technology (THT) for PCBs, as SMT is typically cheaper and space-saving. Adopting a common platform architecture simplifies inventory, training, and manufacturing efficiency by using the same components across different products. Eliminate unnecessary features to avoid over-engineering and focus on essential functionalities. Consider panelizing PCBs to reduce costs, especially for small or uniquely shaped boards. Avoid single-source or end-of-life components to mitigate the risk of future availability issues and price hikes. Integrate energy efficiency into design to reduce production costs and create sleeker, more compact products. Embrace a modular design to facilitate easy upgrades or replacements of components in response to rapid tech advancements. Opt for smaller component sizes like 0402s or 0201s to save space and reduce costs while achieving sleek and compact designs. By prioritizing these strategies, you ensure a financially viable and appealing product launch tailored to your target audience.

source: https://www.myemssolutions.com/optimizing-costs-for-an-electronics-product-launch/


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