6 Custody Battle Factors Infographic

Many people hold outdated beliefs about child custody, but the reality is far from the myth that one parent automatically gets custody after a divorce. Historically, fathers were often granted sole custody due to societal norms, but today’s courts make custody decisions based on the child’s best interests, not the parent’s gender. Modern custody decisions consider factors like each parent’s involvement and the child’s preferences, though children rarely have the final say. The court’s primary concern is what will ensure the child’s well-being. There are two types of custody: physical, which addresses living arrangements, and legal, which pertains to decision-making authority. Courts often favor joint arrangements, as keeping both parents involved is generally seen as beneficial for the child. Rather than focusing on “winning” custody, parents should prioritize maintaining a cooperative and respectful relationship with the co-parent. This significantly influences the court’s decision. Using co-parenting tools and apps can help streamline communication, reduce conflict, and ensure both parents are actively involved in the child’s life, creating a situation where everyone wins.

source: https://www.dcomply.com/mom-vs-dad-who-is-more-likely-to-get-the-children/


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