5 Post Divorce Restart Ideas Infographic

Moving on after a divorce or separation can be easier said than done. Consider giving yourself a fresh start by sprucing up your living space. Below are budget-friendly tips to help you rejuvenate your home and recover from the emotional toll of divorce. First, assess your financial situation. Divorces incur expenses, and with a reduced household income, create a budget by comparing your income to your expenses. Any remaining amount can be allocated to non-necessities. Splitting property is complicated, and real estate conditions might make selling a poor decision. Additionally, staying in the family home might be better for any children involved. However, living in the same home you and your ex once shared makes emotional recovery more challenging, as the house holds many memories and shared items. Now is a great time to fix things you’ve wanted to fix. It’s your chance to prioritize and make decisions on your own. If you have the funds, go for it! It may be the first time you’ve had carte blanche to design your living space how you want. Embrace the opportunity to discover what types of art and design resonate with you, creating a space that truly reflects your style and supports your new beginning.

source: https://www.dcomply.com/getting-a-fresh-start-after-divorce/


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